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Wareham: It's Better Before the Bridges

Wareham is a welcoming community but we’re no one’s welcome mat. Cape Cod is wonderful and while being the “Gateway to the Cape” is a title we will forever hold based solely on geography, Wareham is a lot more than just a passthrough to somewhere else. That’s why we’re launching our “It’s Better Before the Bridges” campaign – to let people know about all the amazing things they could be experiencing instead of sitting in bridge traffic. And traffic on Route 6. And traffic on Route 28.

Did you know Wareham has 54 miles of coastline – more than any other town on the Cape? How about the tax rate and affordable cost of living that keeps home ownership within reach of regular folks? Then there’s our business community filled with longtime residents and people new to town operating everything from breweries to shipbuilding companies to cannabis dispensaries. And finally, our diversity – more than most other communities nearby – which is our true strength.

Come explore the good life – still very much in reach – waiting for you before the bridges.

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