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Wareham Land Trust: Red Brook Trail Hike

Red Brook Trail Network Head of the Bay Rd, Plymouth, United States

Looking for a refreshing way to start your day while connecting with nature? Join the Wareham Land Trust’s new executive director, Alexandra Zollo, for a guided hike through the beautiful...Read More→


Wareham Free Library: Monthly Book Sale

Wareham Free Library 59 Marion Road, Wareham, MA, United States

The Friends of the Wareham Free Library invite you to their highly anticipated monthly book sale, offering incredible bargains by the bagful! Whether you're an avid reader, a movie buff,...Read More→

Join the Wareham Land Trust to Trim Trails at Fearing Hill

Douglas S. Westgate & Fearing Hill Conservation Areas 29 Papermill Road, West Wareham, MA, United States

Join the Wareham Land Trust for Trail Day at Fearing Hill on Saturday, October 26th, where volunteers will help maintain the beautiful trails that make this conservation area so special....Read More→


Onset Bay Center: Halloween Paddle Parade

Onset Beach Onset Ave, Onset, MA 02558, Onset, MA, United States

Join the fun on the water with the third-annual Halloween Paddle Parade at the Onset Bay Center! This free, family-friendly event takes place on Sunday, October 27th, starting at 3:00...Read More→


Sign Unveiling for New Maple Springs Conservation Area

Maple Springs Conservation Area Maple Springs Road, Wareham, MA, United States

On Monday, October 28th, the Wareham Fire District Water Department will unveil a new sign to commemorate the purchase of 77 acres of land, now known as the Maple Springs...Read More→

Can for Candy at Damien’s Food Pantry

Damien's Food Pantry 242 Marion Road, Wareham, MA, United States

Celebrate Halloween with a heartwarming twist at Damien’s Food Pantry during their Can for Candy trunk or treat event on Monday, October 28th. From 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM, participants...Read More→

Wareham High School Varsity Football vs. Nauset Regional

Spillane Field 54 Marion Road, Wareham, MA, United States

Get ready for another exciting Friday night football game! On Friday, November 1st, the Wareham High School Varsity Football Team will face off against Nauset Regional under the lights. The...Read More→

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